Relationships with Jesus

You Can’t Put God in a Box

Hebrews 13:8 “God is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Welcome to the “” blog!

Over the years, we have received countless packages and boxes on our front porch. It’s always exciting, opening a new box, even if you already know what’s in it. We drop everything, search for an old kitchen knife and rip it open. There’s just something about the expectation of looking inside and finding a treasure! Once the treasure is found, the box is discarded.

Have you ever tried to put God in a box? I know I have. Before I came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, He was in my “religion box.” I only took Him out on Sundays and when things got tough.  I pictured God being very far away and busy with “God things.” It was my job to figure out my life and only bother Him with the really important issues. I discovered nothing could have been further from the truth!

After accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life in December of 1999, God began leading and teaching me in ways I had never experienced. I learned that once we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. (Can you get any closer than that?) And, He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. It just kept getting better!

What a joyful day, when I discovered Jesus was the Treasure, and I discarded my “religion box”!  I believe He was excited to be let out, too, because now He had all the space He needed to readjust my thinking and do the miraculous, as only He could do.

All of my preconceived beliefs about what God could or would do were about to come crashing down. What God began showing me did not match the vision I had of how God was “supposed” to behave. He wasn’t staying in my box! Religion was replaced with a relationship. Worry and fear were replaced with faith and trusting in God. A stern image of God was replaced with exciting, fun adventures with a loving, joyful God. And, I now had Jesus Christ as my best Friend. Awesome!

Every day was a new adventure! God used signs, clues, His creation and everyday objects to teach me lessons and communicate His will. Not having studied the Bible, I was always amazed when God did something miraculous and then led me to a verse in the Bible that confirmed it. My first thought was always, “How does He do that?” Being able to communicate with the Creator of all, was not something I had previously considered possible. I woke each day, ready for a new adventure, with the God who never runs out of fun things to do. He never disappoints!

The purpose of this blog is to share God adventures with my family, friends and those around the world who want to read about how God works “outside our box” of preconceived ideas. He communicates with us, and teaches lessons, in a way that is unique to Him. God led many people throughout the Bible in unique ways. He is the one, true God and He never changes.  And, today, He still leads us in unexpected ways.

After being born again ( John 3:1-8 ), God led me on a three day, jaw-dropping journey to Louisville, Kentucky, to collect “clues” about what I was to do in the future. I look forward to sharing it with you in upcoming posts. Almost 19 years have passed and many of the things God revealed have already come to pass. However, there are more to be fulfilled. I trust God will finish the work He has started in me. ( Philippians 1:6 ) I can do nothing apart from Him and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  ( John 15:5 )

Are you trying to keep God in a box? Keep the Treasure. Toss the box.

See you next time – as the adventure continues…

P.S. Speaking of “boxes”…
The doorbell just rang and guess who? It was UPS delivering a “box within a box”, containing my husband’s favorite coffee. God has an incredible sense of humor!

We can’t put God in a box. So, any thoughts on what God is communicating through our timely delivery of a “box within a box”? Please comment below.


It’s all about Jesus! To God be the glory!
Blessings and love, Gayle


© 2018 Gayle Holcomb


  • Bev Brown

    SO glad to see your blog launch, Gayle! Your real stories are going to encourage—and amaze— many people. Proud of you. Hope you’ll let me guest post.

  • Teddy

    Glad to see the blog up and running! Your box in a box is interesting. Maybe it speaks to the “community” that will be built through this blog. What do you think? Loveya!

  • Les

    To find a treasure in a box in another box does take effort and time to open which could be an analogy for a growing in a relationship with Jesus.

  • Anonymous

    Love hearing what is in your faithful heart always. Your smile says it all about the Holy Spirits love in you.. There is not a box big enough to hold His love for us that you share .❤️🙏

  • Betty Evans

    Your words were full of nuggets of truth about God and ourselves. I look forward to reading more about your God adventures. Having an ongoing relationship with God is a moment by moment surrender of self and that is hard at times. Keep up the good work of sharing with others.