Release Your Children to God
Isaiah 54:13 “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
It’s 5:15 a.m. and I’m wide awake. Not a typical morning! God immediately brings to mind a vision He had given me, over 18 years ago. The vision changed everything in the way I related to my family, because it changed me.
Are you a parent? Do you worry about your children? I did. Thankfully, God showed me how to separate my job from His job, and release my family to Him, where they belonged. Perhaps this vision will help you, too, release your most precious gifts back to God.
Before knowing Jesus, my life was filled with stress, worry and fear about the safety and well-being of my children and husband. As the “Mama bird” of the nest, we can put too much pressure on ourselves trying to do what only God can do. Our intent is good! We want to nurture, protect and help direct our gifts from God, because we love them so much. However, it can come across as controlling, instead of loving. And, no one likes to feel controlled. Fortunately, God had a plan and things were about to change with this Mama bird!
During the most challenging time of stress and worry, God drew me into a personal relationship with Jesus and life has not been the same, since! One of the first lessons God taught me was that He was in control, not me. He was actually relieving me of the self-imposed requirements I had placed upon myself that I thought made a good mom.
How did God communicate this? It was not with reprimands or punishments. It was not with harmful consequences. It was with a beautiful and gentle vision of the “transfer of power” He had in mind. Here’s how it went.
The vision began with 3 pieces of red yarn, tied around my waist. One was connected to my husband, Jimmy, one to our son, Christopher, and one to our son, Jonathan. A large pair of scissors appeared and I was to cut each piece of yarn, separating me from my husband and sons, and release them to God. As I cut the one connecting me to Jimmy, I said, “He’s yours.” Jimmy then floated up to God. I cut the second piece of yarn which connected me to Christopher, and said, “He’s yours.” Christopher then floated up to God. Lastly, I cut the third piece of yarn which connected me to Jonathan, and said, “He’s yours.” Jonathan floated up to God. I knew they were all in the safest place they could be- the hands of God! Then, God gave me a vision of Him and me inside a balloon, floating peacefully along. All of the stress and worry fell away and I knew this was the “new normal” for my life. My job became to stay close to God. His job was to take care of my family, in a way I never could. I no longer had to feel responsible for things outside my control that only God could handle. I was now able to relax, enjoy them and trust they were in the hands of the most powerful being of all- God!
Do I ever slip back into old ways? Of course! However, God is quick to point out the tried and true method for trusting Him above myself or anyone else. When we release our children to God, we give them the space to become the best God created them to be. God truly has the best interest of our children in mind and a wonderful plan for their lives. Only He knows why He created them, has all the resources for them and knows the end from the beginning. I’m good with that!
The Bible tells of a woman named Hannah, who prayed for a son, and promised God that she would give the child back to Him for all the days of his life. God answered her prayer and she kept her promise. She brought Samuel to the LORD’s house and gave him to Eli, the priest. Samuel, became established as a prophet of the LORD. God’s plans are so much greater than plans we could ever come up with for our children!
I encourage you to read Hannah’s story, in 1 Samuel 1-2.
1 Samuel 1:11
And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”
1 Samuel 1:27-28
“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
1 Samuel 2:19
“Each year his mother made him a little robe and took it to him when she went up with her husband to offer the annual sacrifice.”
Giving our children back to God does not mean deserting them. Hannah continued to love Samuel by visiting and making coats for him. We still do all of the loving, caring things that bless our children, while remembering the most loving thing we can do is prayerfully place them in the Father’s hands. It’s good for them and it’s good for us.
I’ve thanked God for rescuing our sons in car accidents and even protecting one from a bear trying to claw its way on his windshield! I’m sure there are countless other incidents where God protected them, as well. I had no power to stop any of it. But God, being all-powerful, did. And I am grateful!
Isaiah 54:13 is a promise God gave me for Christopher and Jonathan, many years ago, while my husband and I were on a mountain trip. I take great comfort in believing, accepting and praying it over our sons. Embrace this promise and watch God do the miraculous!
“All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
Is there someone you need to give back to God?
It’s all about Jesus! To God be the glory!
Blessings and love, Gayle
© 2018 Gayle Holcomb
A very good analogy of handing off work to who it really belongs to, so you have more time to focus on your own daily tasks that you are really responsible for.
Beverly D. Brown
Love how that original vision kicked off a lifestyle of growing trust in God. I’ve gone up in a hot-air balloon before. It’s one of the most peaceful, serene vantagepoints you can imagine.
Lisa Foster
Love the Isaiah 54:13 passage. Wonderful promise! Have it on the mirror in my bedroom. Pray it over my children regularly!
Love! I’m going to go cut some strings now lol
Paula Levron
Thank you Gayle. I had my own experience many years ago with God teaching me the same lessons for my children. He used the word “rescue” when he spoke to me about all of this. Thank you for the reminder and for sharing this story of God’s incredible and very personal love. I really love your blog!
Betty Evans
“Transfer of Power” is a very good motto for us as parents and grandparents. The scripture references were great!
Thank you Gayle. I love this vision and I’m going to use it to remind me now that my son is in college & daughter a high schooler about to drive. God protect them & allow me to trust in You!