
God Leads

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me” (Matthew 19:21 NKJV).

We’ve had a handful of yard sales over the years. My husband is not a fan. That’s why I was so surprised when God gave me a vision that included having a yard sale!

We were traveling at the time. As I gazed out of the window, God unexpectedly brought to mind an image of a large, black garbage bag. It was the kind you overstuff when decluttering, as you are heading out the door to a local charity.

That’s when God expanded on the clues from my Louisville, Kentucky trip and proclaimed I would help seniors organize their homes, collect items they no longer needed, sell them at a yard sale, and use the money to buy Bibles for orphans and missionaries around the world.

It was quite surprising- coming out of the blue, literally, as I stared up at the sky. I let God know immediately that I was not capable of doing that. How could I figure out how to get Bibles to others around the world?

Having been a Christian for just a few years, I still hadn’t learned I was not responsible for figuring it all out. Years later, it sank in that when God has the idea, the plan, the resources, the power, and the will to do something- I don’t need to figure it out. I just need to participate!

Giving Bibles to children and missionaries was such a large endeavor, in my mind. But God started with something small- a yard sale in our own driveway with a few items collected from the homes of 2 amazing ladies. Here’s how it happened.

After this vision, I asked God to show me what to do. I had no idea how to start. God answered when I least expected and miracles ensued.

The first miracle was at an ESL training class (also a clue), at a local church. I started talking with a delightful lady seated next to me. We soon discovered we had both been 1st grade teachers and “bonded”. Out of the blue, she said, “My house sure needs organizing.” What! We were not even talking about organizing. There was my sign!

I explained the vision to her and she graciously accepted my offer to help organize a room in her home, gave me items for a yard sale, and we prayed together. The items went into our backyard shed for a future sale.

The second miracle came not long afterward. I signed up for a class, at a local college, on how to organize homes. I thought I’d better get some training if I was going to do this.

As I arrived, I asked God to put someone next to me that I could help. A senior lady sat next to me and at the end of the class mentioned she had an attic that needed organization. I mentioned I had recently helped a lady, from a particular church, with organizing a room. I did not say the lady’s name.

This precious woman that God had just put in my path said, “Is that ______?” And, she named the lady! She happily announced, “We are in the same Sunday School class!” It was one of those “you could have knocked me over with a feather, moments!”

She accepted my offer to help with their attic and then donated items for the yard sale. We prayed together, as well. I was starting to see a pattern! Prayer became an important part of it all. Her donations went into our backyard shed which was, by then, overflowing.

Through it all, I continued to wonder why God was doing this since my husband was not into yard sales. I was supposed to submit to him, so this didn’t seem biblical. However, “Who” is more biblical than God? I just didn’t have all the facts, yet.

If you’re wondering how the yard sale came about, here is the third miracle. My husband almost never worked on a Saturday. Well, guess what God did. June 10, 2006, was one of the few days he ever had to work on a Saturday! I quickly saw this as a sign from God to schedule the yard sale. He already had a plan as to how I could have the sale and still honor my husband. God always has all the bases covered!

In the meantime, God led me to a local church that was going on a mission trip to visit orphans in Ukraine. I called and asked if they would buy Bibles for the children if I gave them the proceeds from the yard sale. They said, “Yes!” And, God had set the stage. But there was yet another miracle to confirm the vision.

The day of the sale came. I stood on the porch overlooking the items in the driveway and said, “God, if this is really of You, show me a confirmation.” I’ve discovered God is happy to answer that prayer. God sent a beautiful 3-year old boy who came bounding down our driveway. I began talking with his parents and discovered they had adopted him, as an orphan, from Ukraine!

Well, I think God had made His point! It was His plan and He was providing for all of it.

The church which took the mission trip to Ukraine gave 40 Bibles to orphans, from the proceeds of the yard sale.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin,” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT).

God does keep His promises!

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45 NKJV).

It took years, but God was ready to fulfill his vision for giving Bibles to orphans and missionaries through people donating their “stuff”. Clutter and excess can be a burden. However, the burden can become a blessing with eternal rewards, as we sell what we have and give to the poor.

Where do you store your treasure?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34 NKJV).

That was the only sale I had in our driveway. God had another plan. And, it didn’t require my husband working on Saturdays!

Stop by next time, as the journey continues to unfold, and discover how God grew the Bible ministry under the umbrella of a local church.

In the meantime, I think I’ll clean out another closet.

It’s all about Jesus! To God be the glory!
Blessings and love, Gayle

© 2018 Gayle Holcomb


  • Pam

    Love reading of God’s handiwork …..we all just need to be aware of His “signs” along the way…may you continue to be sensitive to His leading as you share God’s Adventures with us all.


  • Anonymous

    Wow! How this ministry has grown! One great experience leads to another and the love of our Heavenly Father is shared in unique ways! Instead of saying like the commercial says (What’s in your wallet?) you may ask where is the journey going with each person you meet?