Simply Talking to God
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers” (1 Peter 3:12 NKJV).
After the Louisville trip, God began showing me a “trail of clues” that was different from those He had strategically placed along the journey in Kentucky. It was an extensive list of what seemed to be unrelated items and I could not see the logic in how to put the “puzzle” together. I kept thinking, “Can I live long enough to do all of these things?”
Finally, God, in His timing, revealed I was not to DO all of these things. Rather, I was to PRAY for all of these things. Ah, that made more sense!
The list of opportunities God was prompting me to pray for seemed endless. We can pray for events on the news, missionaries in far-away countries, those who are being persecuted for their Christian faith, prisoners, children around the world who needed sponsors for spiritual and physical needs, the President and other political figures, and the list goes on.
We can also pray for family and friends, churches to come together in unity to pray together, healing, people in the community as we run errands, those God prompts us to pray for as we travel, and more. We can participate in church prayer groups and home prayer groups, too. And, of course, we can praise and thank God, through prayer. The list is never-ending.
We may not be able to physically affect every aspect of the world, but we can spiritually affect people and situations worldwide through prayer. Nothing is outside of God’s power or sight.
The Bible says, “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17 NKJV). I had no idea how to do that until God began showing me how to customize prayer for those I did not know. This would eventually lead to God revealing an assignment to teach children how to pray, using this method.
After God identified prayer as the calling, I thought I needed all kinds of “equipment” to come into His presence. I used journals, special colored highlighters for underlining Bible verses, prayer patterns of others, methods, acrostics and more.
It all seemed to complicate things, so I finally settled on a Bible, a notebook, and a pen to capture what God was saying. It was simple and effective.
It’s a delight to capture what God speaks and then look back on it to see how He has fulfilled what He spoke. So, please don’t let a lack of “supplies” stop you from talking with God. He is always ready to listen.
Jesus didn’t make prayer complicated. He simply got away from the crowds and had a conversation with His Father. God spoke, He listened, and vice versa.
Recently, I had a hearing test with an audiologist, for a regular screening. I don’t ever recall being so focused and intent on hearing the very faint beep that periodically appears in an ear of their choosing. In order to determine which of my ears the sound might be directed to, I had to close my eyes and focus deeply. And then, listen for the faintest of beeps.
The entire time I was thinking, “This is how intently I need to listen for God’s voice.” There is nothing more important than hearing from God. As we sit quietly with our eyes closed, eliminate distractions, and intentionally put all of our focus on hearing God’s still, small voice, we are filled with great expectations of hearing from our Creator.
Elijah heard the voice of God and we can, too.
“And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12 KJV).
Have you talked with God today? What a privilege to speak with God and hear from Him in return. Can we even wrap our minds around that reality?
Remember Mary and Martha, in Luke 10:38-42?
Verses 41-42 say, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one” (NIV).
What is the ONE thing you need right now that only God can help you resolve? Can I invite you to stop what you’re doing and sit quietly at His feet for a simple conversation?
He is listening. And, He is Faithful.
It’s all about Jesus! To God be the glory!
Blessings and love, Gayle
© 2018 Gayle Holcomb
Beverly Brown
Another great post, Gayle. The call is almost always subtle. Feel like I’m supposed to start journaling again.
Betty Evans
I have had two hearing tests this year due to fluid build up. Recently when I had a follow up test, I wanted to focus even more so the test would be good. Eliminating all distractions and thoughts is not easy and at times the sounds were faint. It is also true in our talking with God. He wants us to listen intentionally and focus on our conversation with Him.
Barbara Hemphill
What a great question: What is the ONE thing you need right now that only God can help you resolve?