
A Bench and a Blessing

“And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray” (Mark 6:46 NKJV).

I wasn’t even asking the right question.

For the umpteenth time, I was asking God to show me how to organize our home so I could consistently have a daily quiet time with Him.

I thought it all revolved around “our house”. If “our house” was perfectly organized, then I could have a “perfect” spot to meet with God. But, it wasn’t about the “house”. God showed me His plan and it wasn’t even on our property.

Seems like an odd thing, but I had too many options of where to sit quietly with God. Every room had a little space that could be used, however, no one spot seemed to work. Could it be I was more focused on the environment than on my Creator?

God prompted me to take a walk outdoors and indicated He would show me the vision of where to meet. Expectation built with each step. However, I walked up the street and back and still no vision.

Then, God led me to sit on a bench at the neighborhood park. Surprisingly, on such a beautiful morning, there were no children twirling on the playground equipment. Only a mom and her daughter were playing basketball in the distance.

As I sat and took in the beauty of the wooden ramp and luscious green tree before me, I thought, “Wouldn’t this be nice to have in our backyard for special times with God.” Immediately, God pointed out I didn’t need to redo the backyard. I could come here and talk to Him. And, it was a more public place where I would be able to pray for people. A win-win situation!

I had been asking how to reorder my home and God showed me He already had created a better solution than I could have. And, He tied it in with my purpose, which is prayer.

Suddenly, the mom and daughter who had been playing basketball walked up the ramp towards me with warm smiles. Surprisingly, the mom reached her hand to mine and said, “God bless you! I felt I was supposed to tell you that.”

I was speechless for a second and then realized what a “divine appointment” this was from God. We sat and talked about what God was doing in our lives.

I had the privilege of praying for the mom and her daughter before we parted. If I had stayed home, I would have missed that opportunity.

God has been telling me not to make quiet time a system, but to be flexible and let Him lead. I’ve spent too much time trying to make my quiet time like someone else’s. Instead of asking God to help my idea come to fruition, my question should have been, “God, where do You want me to spend time with You each day?”

Sometimes God calls us to a season of visiting with Him from a comfy armchair in a quiet room, or at a park, in our car, or by a lake. He is not limited with locations. And, He is with us wherever we go.

We are uniquely created by God for various purposes. God may want to spend time with us in a unique way. Don’t get hung up on the space, time and environment. Let Him lead.

That morning God wanted me to be in a special location for a special appointment with a special mom and her daughter.

Do you have a location for meeting daily with God? That’s great!

Or, do you struggle with finding just the right spot?

Perhaps God has a special place in mind, that has not occurred to you. Perhaps, like me, your current spot is not working because God is trying to move you to a new location for a purpose.

Just ask.

It’s all about Jesus! To God be the glory!
Blessings and love, Gayle

© 2019 Gayle Holcomb