We Are Better Together
“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well” (1 Peter 4:10 CEV). God keeps bringing the phrase back: “We are better together.” When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and gives us one or more spiritual gifts. One of mine is “giving.” Romans 12:6-8 says, “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in…
Grandma’s Prayer Group
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV). Within 2 hours God had answered the prayer! It was October 6, 2015. I had no idea “today was the day” I was going to get the confirmation from God to start a prayer group for Grandmas. God had been impressing upon me, for years, that I would lead a Grandma’s prayer group. Ladies from our church small group had gathered for our Tuesday Bible study. Our leader was collecting prayer requests when I felt a rather firm nudge from God, prompting me…
Praying for Your Children
“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness” (Psalm 91:5-6 NKJV). Want to get your heart pumping? Get a call from your child saying they have had a bear on their windshield! Your mind becomes very alert. Our youngest son had driven to Colorado and gave us a call when he arrived at a campground. As he was setting up the tent and chatting with us, he mentioned an “arrow” on a nearby rock. A bow and “arrow” kind of arrow. Seemed odd, so I stored the information away until God revealed…
Release Your Children to God
Isaiah 54:13 “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” It’s 5:15 a.m. and I’m wide awake. Not a typical morning! God immediately brings to mind a vision He had given me, over 18 years ago. The vision changed everything in the way I related to my family, because it changed me. Are you a parent? Do you worry about your children? I did. Thankfully, God showed me how to separate my job from His job, and release my family to Him, where they belonged. Perhaps this vision will help you, too, release your most precious gifts back to God.…